Friday, May 7, 2010

Output Defined

The duration of the Creativity Workshop is 13 weeks, during which time, we have been asked to write three sets of four linked stories.
I am going to bend the rules a bit in that I will focus on all three of my goals
throughout the entire course.
This seems to flow with what I want to accomplish.

My weekly schedule will be as follows:

Sunday Night
     Look ahead to the following week
     Assign blocks of time to devote to writing

Monday Morning
     Gather Ideas
     Select the idea of the week
     Map out my plan

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

     Evaluate my story
     Review my work ethic
     Note areas to improve upon

Each of the three sets of stories will be linked as follows

          Weeks 1-4    Theme

          Weeks 5-8    Setting

          Weeks 9-12  Characters

Due to the frenzied nature of my mind this could change slightly.


Unknown said...

All good, Carolyn. Brevity is fine, and you have your task list to keep you on track :)

Carolyn ♥ said...

Thanks, Merrilee. The brevity was out of necessity. Busy day yesterday. I can assure you the details are crowding my thoughts. I'm using your notebook idea, there I can scribble what only makes sense to me.